So if you checked out my post on the DIY Nursery Mobile, you'll likely see the similarities between these two projects, but because they're not exactly the same I'm going to share how to make a personalized floral initial here, including the frame. The frame isn't necessary if you don't personally like it, but I like how it makes it look more finished. Anyways this is what you'll need:
Styrofoam square or circle, depending on size you'd like to make and letter to be cut. Example -https://www.michaels.com/styrofoam-disc--wire-cut--green--1-inch-thick--8-inches/D061607S.html#q=thick+foam+board&start=17
Box Cutter
White fabric tape (I used hockey tape!) But also fabric with hot glue will work too.
Glue gun and glue
Fake Flowers of your choice - probably around 3-4 bunches
Wire cutters
8 x 10 Wooden picture frame with removable glass - or choose a frame that is already the color you like and doesn't need to be painted
Optional - White Paint and paint brush (or color of your choice)
Step by Step :
Again once you have all your materials you're going to want to clean off a rather big surface and lay everything out.
First thing you should do is take the picture frame, take out the glass, and paint it the color you've picked. If you found a frame you like as is, then you can skip this step, but if you're painting a frame this will give it the opportunity to dry while you do everything else.
Next we're going to cut out our foam letter. Take your foam board/circle and lay it out on a surface (probably on top of some cardboard or a surface that can't get damaged). Then you want to trace your letter of choice onto the foam with a pencil or marker. Make sure that you measure it to fit inside your picture frame, leaving about an inch or so of space between the letters edges and your frame. Also if you don't have great penmanship, you can print out a stencil online to get the exact size and style you want.
Once you have your letter outline traced onto the foam, you are going to use the box cutter and cut out the letter. BE CAREFUL AND DON'T CUT YOURSELF. If the edges are rough it's ok because we are going to cover them, but do it to the best of your ability.
Next you can cut your flowers. You will need the wire cutters as most fake flowers are hard to cut without them. Cut the flower heads off of each and arrange them in piles so you can easily see how many of each you have left as you go. You can also cut the smaller pieces for accents around the bigger bulbs. I would leave about an inch of flower stem from the head of the flower to stick into the foam and make sure you can glue it on the way you want, you may end up cutting them off all together depending on the type of flowers and how you want them to look, but just to be safe leave them on at first.
Then pick your flowers one by one and add them onto the letter, first sticking them into the letter, and then securing them using the hot glue.
Alternate between the flowers, making sure not to put any matching ones next to each other. It looks best if you alternate colors and sizes if possible. Once you're done with the bigger flower bulbs you can go back through and fill in any open space that might be showing with additional smaller accent flowers. But for the most part the bigger flowers should cover the entirety of the letter, if not you might want to get some more bigger flowers. I also cut pieces of the greenery from the flower stems and glued them behind the bigger flowers as small accents and found it was a nice contrast to all my white and pink and purple flowers.
Once you have all your flowers on the letter and it's looking pretty and almost finished, you'll want to finish off the edges with the tape or fabric. This doesn't have to be perfect because you really won't be able to see it that much, but the tape/fabric is just to limit any sort of green showing through or rough edges when looking at it from the side. There's no great trick to this other than running it in as few pieces as possible around the edges, and securing it with the hot glue.
Let everything dry. Then mount the picture frame on the wall, and strategically place the letter inside on the wall and mount positioned exactly as you'd like it to stay. I used thin small nails that were not visible once mounted, but really anything could work as the letter and frame shouldn't be that heavy. And there you have it!
