My daughters room is by far my favorite space in our current house. It was one of those rooms that I have envisioned since before she was even born. Actually scratch that, before I was even pregnant. Having a little girl has always been a dream of mine, and since I'm so into home design, obviously I had already thought a million times about the look and feel I wanted if I was lucky enough to have a girl. Anyways when I first moved in with my husband we went through and painted every room in the house. And before we were even married I picked a color for this room that I eventually envisioned being the nursery, that was of course only really going to work if we had a girl. I'm still not sure how I convinced my husband to paint the spare room a taupey-purple, years before even being ready to consider getting pregnant. I'm pretty sure it only worked in large part because he's color blind! So anyways the making of Riley's room started that long ago.... Here is a picture of the room, with the same wall color, before it was the nursery.

This was all left over furniture from my old apartment, FYI. Anyways the wall color is Benjamin Moore's "Mauve Desert". And it's great. It actually kinda changes in different lighting, or depending on what is around it, but it has a nice pretty, girly, feel without being over the top.
The next thing we did, once I was actually pregnant of course, was pick out the nursery furniture. I am obsessed with the Restoration Hardware Baby furniture. It is all soooo beautiful, you can't really go wrong with anything they have. I was able to justify the cost to myself by getting a crib that will eventually convert into a toddler bed and so she will get a lot of use out of it, or so I hope.

The dresser can stay in her room forever (at least until shes a teenager and hates everything I pick for her) too because the changing table topper comes off and then it will just be a regular dresser. We got the shelves behind the purple chair from Restoration Hardware as well, and although they are pretty heavy and were hard to hang, they're so pretty in person. The purple chair we custom ordered from Buy Buy Baby. I looked into a lot of different rocking chairs before making this decision, as I really wanted something with an ottoman that also rocked, vs something that reclined. I also didn't want to spend a small fortune on a chair that I knew was going to get covered in bodily fluids on a regular basis.... and I'm so glad I did't, because it did. But this chair we ended up with, although a gamble because I had to trust my gut on the color and fabric choices before even seeing it, was perfect.

Everything else, like the mirror, accent tables, lamp, curtains, etc. are all from HomeGoods. If you have the time to casually shop HomeGoods, I swear you can find anything. The rug is from there and was one of those things that I had to see in person and once I did I loveddddd.
Then finally I finished off the room with a few DIY projects that you can find the details to here soon!
